Sylca Styles: Pattern Mixing

Sylca Styles: Pattern Mixing

Have you tried pattern mixing? I'll be honest, I was skeptical at first. When I hear "pattern mixing" I right away think something like a red polka dot shirt and blue stripped pants. NO. That's actually not it at all... it's a little more subtle than that. Phew.
We took a pair of simple polka dot jeans and paired it with fun plaid shirt, and were loving how it came together! These jeans are easy to pattern mix with because they are subtle so pretty much any shirt you pair with them will go! For this outfit, the blue in the plaid shirt complimented the blue jeans so the whole thing just kind of flowed!
What I love about pattern mixing is it kind of mixes up your outfits. If you're like me, you most likely have a favorite pair of jeans or pants and a favorite top that you would typically wear together over and over and over again... Well, by pattern mixing, it switches up your options and its almost like you have a brand new outfit! I'm sure if I really took a look in my closet I could get more creative!

Do you pattern mix? We want to know! Show us some of your fun outfits using #sylcastyles
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